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The Director of Programmes of the Academy of European Law visited the Supreme Court of Estonia

4 October 2023

On Monday, 2 October, the Supreme Court hosted Viktor Vadász, Director of Programmes of the Academy of European Law (ERA). 

Together with the Prosecutor’s Office, Legal Information and Judicial Training Department and Julia Laffranque, the former deputy and programme director of ERA, the Baltic Network of EU Law Experts (EU-BALTIC) cooperation project, starting in the spring of 2024, was discussed. The goal of EU-BALTIC is to offer Estonian judiciary training and study visits on the topics of the European Union’s legal system.
ERA is a non-profit organization whose aim is to improve the application and best practice of European Union law. Among other things, ERA offers training for legal professionals across Europe and provides a forum for discussion and exchange of knowledge. The prestigious ERA training programmes cover all areas of EU law, from European public law to European criminal law. Estonia became a full member of ERA in 2018.
From the left: Madis Metelitsa and Liina Reisberg (Legal Information and Judicial Training Department of the Supreme Court), Viktor Vadász (Director of Programmes of the Academy of European Law) and Julia Laffranque (Justice at the Administrative Law Chamber of the Supreme Court). Photo: Supreme Court