Riigikohus on Eesti Vabariigi kõrgeim kohus.
Põhiseaduse kohaselt on Riigikohus kassatsioonikohus ja
põhiseaduslikkuse järelevalve kohus. Riigikohtu pädevus
on sätestatud kohtute seaduses.
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In addition to the Chambers responsible for the administration of justice, the Supreme Court includes eight departments that provide services under the management of the Director of the Supreme Court.
The Director of the Supreme Court directs and coordinates the work of the structural units which provide support services to administration of justice, and is responsible for the preparation and execution of the budget. It is the duty of the Director to create and guarantee prerequisites and conditions for the efficient and independent functioning of administration of justice.
The General Affairs Department is responsible for the organisation of the operations procedure of the court, the circulation and public disclosure of documents, as well as proper archival processing thereof.
The Chief Financial Officer keeps the accounts of the Supreme Court.
The Personnel and Communication Department shapes and executes the personnel policy of the Supreme Court and keeps the records concerning the service of Estonian judges. Also, the department is responsible for the organization of internal and external communications – they assists journalists, handle the Supreme Court’s website and social media accounts and provide information on visiting the Supreme Court.
The Assets Management Department administers the assets in the possession of the Supreme Court and organises the security service.
The Information Technology Department maintains and develops the electronic databases, hardware and software of the Supreme Court.
The Legal Information and Judicial Training Department facilitates the unification of judicial practice and ensures the accessibility of relevant legal information. The department systematises and analyses court rulings, judgments and statistics, and coordinates the rendering of opinions on draft legislation. Within the limits of its competence the department responds to the letters of and organises the reception of persons. The department also organises the judicial training and provides support services to the Training Council. It ascertains the training needs of judges, prepares the strategies for training, training programs and organises the implementation thereof.
The Legal Adviser to the Chief Justice acts independently of the servicing departments. The adviser has the duty to provide advice to the Chief Justice in guaranteeing the comprehensive development of the court system and courts’ administration, and to perform and distribute the functions assigned by the Chief Justice in the management of the court. The legal adviser to the Chief Justice is also responsible for the foreign relations of the Supreme Court through organising communication with the courts of other countries and international judicial organisations.