Riigikohus on Eesti Vabariigi kõrgeim kohus.
Põhiseaduse kohaselt on Riigikohus kassatsioonikohus ja
põhiseaduslikkuse järelevalve kohus. Riigikohtu pädevus
on sätestatud kohtute seaduses. 

- Eesti vabariigi põhiseadus -

Administrative Law, Criminal and Civil Chambers


A matter is accepted for proceedings if the hearing thereof is demanded at least by one justice of the Supreme Court.

For the hearing of matters of cassation, petitions for review filed against court judgments the Supreme Court has Civil, Criminal and Administrative Law Chambers. The work of a Chamber is directed by the chairman of the Chamber. The chairman and members of a Chamber are appointed by the Supreme Court en banc on proposal of the Chief Justice. On the request of the chairman of a Chamber, a member of some other Chamber may temporarily join the hearing of a matter.

Cases are heard in panels of at least 3 justices within the time limits provided for by procedural laws. If justices disagree on principle in matters concerning application of law or if the panel finds it necessary to change the former view of the Chamber on application of law, the matter shall be transferred to the whole composition of the Chamber for decision. If the full composition of a Chamber, upon examining a case and with regard to application of law wants to assume a position different from that of any other Chamber of the Supreme Court in its last decision, the matter shall be transferred to a Special (ad hoc) Panel.

If during the hearing of a matter a Chamber comes to the conclusion that the applicable law or other legislation is in conflict with the Constitution, it shall not apply it, and if necessary, shall suspend the proceeding by a ruling. The ruling shall be transferred to the Constitutional Review Chamber for decision and to the Legal Chancellor, Riigikogu and Minister of Justice for information.

Chambers have their assisting personnel, whose composition and procedure of work is determined by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and whose daily activities are governed by the chairmen of the Chambers.