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Constitutional Judgments

The following judgments of the Constitutional Review Chamber and the general assembly of the Supreme Court have been translated into English. This collection contains unofficial translations of judgments which are subject to copyright. No reproduction, copy or transmission of these texts may be made without the prior permission in writing of the copyright holder.
©Translation into English. The Supreme Court of Estonia.
For reference see also the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia and Constitutional Review Court Procedure Act.
5-23-41 | Complaint by 15 members of the Riigikogu against Riigikogu resolutions in connection with granting assistance to Ukraine |
5-23-37 | Complaint by 17 members of the Riigikogu against Riigikogu resolutions of 11 and 18 September 2023 |
5-23-36 | An appeal by XX seeking a declaration of unconstitutionality of § 344(3) clause 3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure insofar as it does not enable the accused to contest a judgment of conviction of the circuit court of appeal through an appeal in cassation to the Supreme Court drawn up and signed by counsel in the capacity of appellant |
5-23-1 | Review of the constitutionality of § 1112(2) of the Police and Border Guard Act (in the version in force until 30 June 2022) |
5‑22‑10 | Review of the constitutionality of § 5(1) of Rae Rural Municipality Government regulation No 4 of 20 February 2018 on “The procedure for admission of children to and exclusion from preschool childcare institutions” |
3‑18‑477 | Complaint by Romeo Kalda for access to the website of the Supreme Court and the online publication of the Ametlikud Teadaanded [Official Notices] |
5-23-6 | Review of the constitutionality of the Aliens Act and Minister of the Interior Regulation No 7 of 12 January 2017 on “The procedure for applying for a temporary residence permit and its extension and applying for a long-term resident’s residence permit and its restoration, and the rates of legal income” |
5-23-16 | Review of the constitutionality of § 23 subsection (5) of the Obligation to Leave and Prohibition on Entry Act and § 363 subsection (2) of the Act on Granting International Protection to Aliens and § 25 clause 11 of the Minister of the Interior Regulation No 44 of 16 October 2014 on “The internal rules of the detention centre” |
5-23-31 | Complaint by 38 members of the Riigikogu against the Riigikogu resolutions of 15 May 2023 and resolution of 16 May 2023, and complaint by member of the Riigikogu Martin Helme against the Riigikogu resolution of 22 May 2023. |
5-22-4 | Review of the constitutionality of § 27 subsection (3) and § 28 subsections (2), (5)–(6) and (8) of the Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Act |
5-19-29 |
Review of the constitutionality of Annex 1 to the Government of the Republic Regulation No 12 of 22 January 2013 on “The health requirements for a prison officer and the procedure for medical examination, and the substantive and formal requirements for a health certificate” |
5-21-3 |
Review of the constitutionality of § 20 subsections (22) and (4) of the Nature Conservation Act and Government of the Republic Regulation No 242 of 8 July 2004. |
5-20-10 |
Review of the constitutionality of § 10018 in combination with § 10010 subsection (1) and § 10013 subsection (2) of the Aliens Act |
5-21-1 | Review of the constitutionality of dismissal of a police officer from service due to being a suspect in criminal proceedings |
5-20-11 | Review of the constitutionality of failure to issue legal norms laying down the rights of a convicted offender in proceedings concerning a special report of a probation supervisor and collection of evidence on violation of the rules of supervision of conduct in the Code of Criminal Procedure |
5-20-7 | Review of the constitutionality of § 1325 of the Courts Act |
5-20-3 | Application by the President of the Republic to declare unconstitutional the Act on amending the Funded Pensions Act and related Acts (reform of the mandatory funded pension) adopted by the Riigikogu on 11 March 2020 |
5-19-45 | Review of the constitutionality of § 18(1) clause 6) of the Local Government Organisation Act |
5-19-40 | Review of the constitutionality of § 641 clause 31) of the Minister of Justice Regulation No 72 of 30 November 2000 on “Internal prison rules” |
5-18-7 | Review of the constitutionality of Narva City Council regulations and of failure to issue a legislative act |
5-18-8 | Review of constitutionality of § 94(5) of the Imprisonment Act |
5-18-5 | Review of constitutionality of the Aliens Act and Minister of the Interior Regulation No 83 of 18 December 2015 on “The procedure for applying for a temporary residence permit and its extension and applying for a long-term resident’s residence permit and its restoration, and the forms for applying for a residence permit” |
5-18-4 | Review of constitutionality of § 4 subsection (21), § 27 subsections (1), (2) and (3), § 28 subsection (2) clause 3) and § 29 subsection (1) clause 3) of the Planning Act |
Review of constitutionality of § 541(6) of the Code of Misdemeanour Procedure | |
Review of constitutionality of § 83(1) of the Basic Schools and Upper Secondary Schools Act | |
Review of constitutionality of the Act Amending the Status of Members of the Riigikogu Act and the Local Government Organisation Act | |
Review of the constitutionality of § 51 of the Riigikogu Election Act | |
Action by Romeo Kalda to obtain access to the internet | |
Complaint by Inessa Kovaljova against the decision of 5 November 2015 of Tallinn bailiff Elin Vilippus in enforcement matter No 022/2015/3237 | |
5-17-42 | Tallinn Court of Appeal judgment of 20 November 2017 in case No 3‑16‑1191 |
3-4-1-3-16 | Application of 30 June 2016 by Kõpu Rural Municipal Council, application of 25 August by Juuru Rural Municipal Council, application of 31 August by Abja Rural Municipal Council, Emmaste Rural Municipal Council, Illuka Rural Municipal Council, Järvakandi Rural Municipal Council, Kambja Rural Municipal Council, Kõo Rural Municipal Council, Käina Rural Municipal Council, Leisi Rural Municipal Council, Loksa Town Council, Luunja Rural Municipal Council, Lüganuse Rural Municipal Council, Mäetaguse Rural Municipal Council, Nõo Rural Municipal Council, Pala Rural Municipal Council, Pöide Rural Municipal Council, Pühalepa Rural Municipal Council, Rakke Rural Municipal Council, Tudulinna Rural Municipal Council, Vaivara Rural Municipal Council and Ülenurme Rural Municipal Council, application of 15 September 2016 by Kullamaa Rural Municipal Council, application of 21 September 2016 by Tõstamaa Rural Municipal Council, and application of 27 September 2016 by Haaslava Rural Municipal Council and Karksi Rural Municipal Council |
3-4-1-2-16 | Tallinn Administrative Court judgment of 19 May 2016 in administrative case No 3-16-78 and Tallinn Court of Appeal judgment of 30 June 2016 in administrative case No 3-15-2393 |
3-3-1-86-15 |
Tallinn Court of Appeal judgment of 27 August 2015 in administrative case No 3-14-52199 |
3-2-1-40-15 | Tartu Court of Appeal order of 28 November 2014 in civil case No 2-12-51758 |
3-3-1-35-15 | Order of Tallinn Court of Appeal of 27 February 2015 in administrative case No 3-14-50128 |
Appeal in cassation by JCDecaux Eesti OÜ, Clear Channel Estonia OÜ, Neste Eesti AS, and Selver AS | |
3-4-1-31-15 | Tartu Administrative Court order of 26 November 2015 in administrative case No 3-15-2595 |
3-4-1-30-15 | Review of the constitutionality of § 141(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure |
3-2-1-71-14 | Claim by Eesti Energia Aktsiaselts against Mati Makkar for payment of debt and interest for delay, and Mati Makkar’s counterclaim against Eesti Energia Aktsiaselts to declare unlawfulness of disconnection of electricity and to obtain compensation for damage |
3-4-1-13-15 | Review of constitutionality of § 141 (2) of the Penal Code to the extent that it prescribes six years’ imprisonment as the minimum sanction for aggravated rape |
3-4-1-31-15 | Constitutional review of § 7 (1) and § 8 (4)–(6) of the Code of Administrative Court Procedure to the extent that they oblige the applicant to bring a complaint against the Social Insurance Board in Tallinn Administrative Court |
3-2-1-146-15 | Claimant’s action against defendants I–IV to annul a decision of the general meeting of defendant I and establish adoption of a decision with different wording, alternatively to require submission of declarations of intention, to order payment of a dividend in the amount of 4 221 283 euros and 77 cents and penalty for late payment, and alternatively damages in the amount of 1 606 287 euros and penalty for late payment. Applications by claimants I–V for determination of procedural expenses |
3-4-1-59-14 | Review of the constitutionality of subsections 1 and 15 of § 57 of the State Fees Act in combination with Annex 1 thereto (the version in force from 1 July 2014 to 31 December 2014) and of subsections 1 and 15 of § 59 of the State Fees Act, which entered into force on 1 January 2015, in combination with Annex 1 thereto |
3-4-1-55-14 | Review of the constitutionality of subsection 1 of § 2, subsection 1 of § 3 of and the Annex to Regulation No. 36 of the Government of the Republic of 21 February 2005 “Threshold values for mark-up in wholesale and retail trade of medicinal products and procedure for implementation thereof” |
3-4-1-14-15 | Constitutional review of clause 11 of subsection 3 of § 11 of Regulation no. 16 of the Tallinn City Council of 19 June 2012 “Taxi Service Rules for Tallinn” |
3-4-1-2-15 | Review of the constitutionality of subsection 3 of § 4 and subsection 3 of § 22 of the Riigikogu Election Act |
3-4-1-1-15 | Review of the constitutionality of subsections 1 and 4 of § 55 of the National Audit Office Act |
3-2-1-75-14 | Application by Osaühing Aktiva Finants against Siiri Seero in expedited order for payment proceedings for the recovery of the sum of 1138 euros and 12 cents |
3-4-1-1-14 | To declare unconstitutional and repeal subsection 2 of § 1327 of the Courts Act and reverse the repeal of § 82 of the Courts Act based on clause 2 of § 3 of the Temporary Organisation of Payment of Salaries Bound to National Average Wage Act, Salaries of Higher State Servants Act and Courts Act Amendment Act to the extent that these do not allow, as of 1 July 2013, for recalculating the former old-age pensions of judges based on the salary of members of the Supreme Court, circuit court judges, county court judges and administrative court judges. |
3-2-1-153-13 | Claim by Baltforce OÜ (former name HIPHOP OÜ) against Aktsiaselts Uvic for identifying the circumstances precluding the legal protection of a trademark. Request to determine procedural expenses. |
Review of the constitutionality of subsections 1, 3, 5 and 6 of § 377 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. |
Review of the constitutionality of subsection 2 of § 1251 of the Courts Act. |
Review of the constitutionality of subsection 1 of § 56 of and Annex 1 to the State Fees Act (in the wording in force from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2010) to the extent that a state fee of 35 000 Estonian kroons had to be paid on a statement of claim in a civil case with a value of more than 300 000 to 350 000 Estonian kroons. |
Review of the constitutionality of subsection 3 of § 11 of the Land Tax Act. |
Review of the constitutionality of § 251 of the Code of Criminal Procedure Implementation Act. |
Request of the Chancellor of Justice for declaring in part unconstitutional and repealing in part § 1 of Government of the Republic Regulation No. 171 of 12 November 2009 “Rates of Water Abstraction Charge for Abstraction of Water from Water Bodies or Aquifer” and § 1 of Government of the Republic Regulation No. 172 of 12 November 2009 “Rates of Charge for Extraction of Mineral Resource Reserves Belonging to the State”. |
Review of the constitutionality of subsections 1 to 3 of § 421 “Restrictions on issue and amendment of activity licence of general pharmacy” of the Medicinal Products Act. |
Appeal of E.D. M against a decision of enforcement officer Mati Roodes to impose a coercive payment in enforcement case no. 026/2010/447. |
Appeal by AS Pärnu Kalur Holding, AS Saare Kalur, AS A.O. Imbi (bankrupt), Akke AS (in liquidation), AS Tartu Lihakombinaat (bankrupt), AS Volta, OÜ Kommunaar (in liquidation), OÜ Belesta, AS Baltic Computer Systems, Magnesium & Metals Limited, Kreenholmi Valduse AS (bankrupt) and AS Latvijas Kugnieciba for annulment of the decision of the Riigikogu of 15 February 2012 “Compensation of Claims Secured by Certificates of the National VEB Fund”. |
The request of Tallinn Administrative Court to declare unconstitutional and repeal the first sentence of subsection 7 of § 3 of the Parental Benefits Act to the extent that, in a situation where a person receiving the maximum parental benefit earns income subject to social tax exceeding the benefit rate, it produces a result where the total income of the person (adjusted parental benefit plus additional income) decreases in comparison with a situation where the person would not have earned additional income. |
Appeal by LRS Finance SA of 31 May 2013. |
Lembit Lambing’s request for a refund of the state fee. |
Action of Petr Dmitruk and Nadezhda Dmitruk against decision no. 15.3-04/158 ja 15.3-04/159 of the Police and Border Guard Board of 23 March 2010. |
An action of K. M. for claiming compensation in the amount of 79,422 kroons for damage caused by the Republic of Estonia. |
An action of Ülar Kaas for claiming compensation in the amount of 254,087 kroons for damage caused by the Republic of Estonia. |
Verification of constitutionality of § 19(2)2) of the Anti-corruption Act. |
A request of the Chancellor of Justice to declare § 1581(1) of the Law of Property Act and § 152(1) and (2) of the Law of Property Act Implementation Act in conjunction with § 154(2) to (4) of the Law of Property Act Implementation Act invalid to the extent they do not prescribe a sufficient payment to the owner of an immovable for the obligation to tolerate utility networks or utility works required in public interests, and the first sentence of § 1582(1) to the extent it refers to the amount of payment provided for in § 154 of the Law of Property Act Implementation Act. |
A request of the Chancellor of Justice to declare Article 4(4) of the Treaty establishing the European Stability Mechanism signed on 2 February 2012 in Brussels to be in conflict with the Constitution. |
Criminal matter of conviction of Henrik Antsov pursuant to § 184(2)1) and 2) of the Penal Code. |
Review of the constitutionality of § 872 of the Penal Code. |
Verification of the constitutionality of § 57(6) of the Health Insurance Act in the part it precludes the right to sickness benefit of persons who are at least 65 years of age for more than a total of 90 calendar days per calendar year. |
An action of Ljudmilla Dovženko for compensation for damage caused by the Republic of Estonia. |
An action of OÜ Akos Apteek for ordering for compensation for loss of profit during the period of 21 December 2007 to 16 October 2009 from the Government of the Republic 684,780 kroons and fines for delay of 1,377 kroons; an action of Giromax OÜ for ordering for compensation for loss of profit during the period of 21 December 2007 to 16 October 2009 from the Government of the Republic 338,307 kroons and fines for delay of 4,928 kroons; an action of OÜ Raja Apteek for ordering for compensation for loss of profit during the period of 21 December 2007 to 16 October 2009 from the Government of the Republic 1,493,563 kroons and fines for delay of 18,536 kroons; an action of OÜ Karlova Apteek (being liquidated) for ordering from the Government of the Republic compensation for proprietary damage of 285,609 kroons. |
Request of the Tallinn Circuit Court to declare § 94(1) of the Imprisonment Act to be in contradiction with the Constitution. |
An action of AS WIPESTREX GRUPP against the Republic of Estonia for receipt of 31,500,000 kroons and a penalty for late payment. |
An action of Konekesko Eesti AS against Ain Kirsi for receiving 2,746,833 kroons and 44 cents and a penalty for late payment. A counterclaim of Ain Kirs for receiving 2,700,000 kroons. |
A request of Oleg Ossinovski. |
A request of the Chancellor of Justice for the declaration of invalidity of § 1 of the Tallinn City Government regulation of 30 June 2009 no. 75 "Prices for water supply and leading off waste water services provided in the main area of operation of the Tallinn public water supply and sewerage system". |
Request of the Chancellor of Justice to declare the first sentence of paragraph 3.1, the second sentence of paragraph 3.2 and the first sentence of paragraph 3.5 of the "Procedure for payment of social benefits not depending on family income" imposed by a Tallinn City Council regulation no. 13 of 10 February 2005. |
An action of OÜ Baltic Wind Energy for the annulment of the Government of the Republic regulation of 18 May 2007 no. 156 "Amendment of the Government of the Republic regulation of 27 July 2006 no. 176 "Placing limited-conservation areas under protection in Saare County"" in the part the immovables Roostiku, Nuka, Kadastiku, Kruusiaugu and Lagle were included in the Võilaiu limited-conservation area. |
An appeal of Vaike Õiglane for compensation for damage caused by unjust arrest. |
Action of Oleg Osmjorkin for compensation for non-proprietary damage caused by a criminal proceeding. |
Complaint of Teet Raatsin for declaration of invalidity of the voting results of the Riigikogu elections 2011. |
Complaint of Henn Põlluaas for annulment of electronic votes cast in the Riigikogu elections 2011. |
Complaint of Paavo Pihelgas for annulment of electronic votes cast in the Riigikogu elections 2011. |
Review of constitutionality of § 43(3)2) of the Weapons Act in conjunction with § 36(1)6) of the Weapons Act. |
Request of the Tallinn Circuit Court to declare § 251–256 and § 318(3)3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP) unconstitutional. |
Request of the Chancellor of Justice of 18 December 2009 to declare § 51 and § 711 of the European Parliament Election Act, § 61 and § 672 of the Local Government Council Election Act and § 51 and § 732 of the Riigikogu1 Election Act invalid. |
An appeal by Romeo Kalda to declare unlawful the act of the Tartu Prison by which access to the Internet sites http://www.coe.ee/, http://www.oiguskantsler.ee/ and http://www.riigikogu.ee/ was refused, and to issue a precept to the prison. |
Request of the Tallinn Circuit Court to declare unconstitutional § 131(2) and (3) of the Code of Civil Procedure in conjunction with the provision of Annex 1 to the State Fees Act, which prescribes the obligation to pay the state fee of 75 000 kroons on a civil matter with a value of up to 1 000 000 kroons. |
Review of constitutionality of the second sentence of § 8(1), § 8(4) and the first sentence of § 8(41) of the Local Government Council Election Act |
Request of the Tallinn City Council to declare the following unconstitutional and invalid: 1) § 16 of the 2009 Supplementary Budget Act and Related Acts Amendment Act and subsection 16 (3) of the Roads Act amended by it; 2) subsection 17 (1) of the Supplementary Budget Act and clause 5 (1) 1) of the Income Tax Act amended by it; 3) subsections 19 (2) and (3) of the Supplementary Budget Act and §§ 122 and 313 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act established by them; 3) subsections 20 (3) and (4) of the Supplementary Budget Act and §§ 81 and 281 of the Rural Municipality and City Budgets Act established by them; 5) subsection 16 (4) of Regulation No. 49 of the Government of the Republic of 5 March 2009 “Division and Scope, Conditions and Procedure of Division of Budget Equalisation Fund Allocations of Local Authorities in the 2009 State Budget Act”; 6) Regulation No. 50 of the Government of the Republic of 5 March 2009 “Detailed List of Obligations Assumed by Local Authority and Entities Dependent on Local Authority, Conditions and Procedure for Submission of Requests for Approval of Assumption of Obligations and Evaluation of Request and Procedure for Refunding Suspended Funds”. |
Request of Raivo Paala to declare that the procedure for submitting appeals against the activities of investigative bodies and the prosecutor’s office, provided by Division 5 of Chapter 8 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, does not guarantee effective protection; to establish that the lack of an effective remedy for appealing against the activities of investigative bodies and the prosecutor’s office has resulted in the infringement of Raivo Paala’s fundamental rights; to award fair compensation to Raivo Paala for the moral damage arising from the violation of fundamental rights. |
Action of Annela Külm applying for the declaration of unlawfulness of the Lõuna Police Prefecture directive no. 462p of 15 July 2008, and for the ordering of payment of compensation. |
Complaint of the Estonian Centre Party faction against the Board of the Riigikogu resolution no. 157 of 1 September 2009. |
Review of constitutionality of § 952 of the Maritime Safety Act, of § 6(1)13) of the Merchant Shipping Code (in the wording in force until 24 April 2004); of clause 13 of the Government of the Republic regulation no. 1 “Grant of Authorisation for Establishment of Legislation Arising from the Merchant Shipping Code” of 7 January 1997 to the extent that it granted authorisation to the Minister of Transport and Communications to establish the rates of lighthouse dues and ice breaking dues and the bases and procedure for the provision of subsidies; of the Minister of Transport and Communications regulation no. 113 “Rates of lighthouse dues and ice breaking dues and the bases and procedure for the provision of subsidies” of 12 December 2001; and of § 501(1), § 502, § 504, § 505, § 506 and § 507 of the Maritime Safety Act (in the wording in force from 25 April 2004 until 2 June 2005) to the extent that these do not establish a sufficient and effective regulatory framework for the collection of lighthouse and ice breaking dues. |
Request of the Koigi rural municipality council to declare unconstitutional and repeal the second sentence of § 20(3) and § 34(2) of the Earth’s Crust Act. |
Review of constitutionality of § 218(3) and (4), § 344(2), the first sentence of § 654(21) and § 677(4) of the Code of Civil Procedure. |
Request of the Tallinn Circuit Court to declare § 56(181) of the State Fees Act to the extent that is provides that a state fee of 200 kroons shall be paid upon filing of an appeal against a ruling rendered in an administrative matter, unconstitutional. |
Request of the Chancellor of Justice to declare §§ 1 and 2 of the Tallinn City Council regulation no. 3 of 1 July 2009 “Amendment of the Statutes of Tallinn” partly unconstitutional and § 3 thereof partly unconstitutional and invalid. |
Request of the Tallinn City Council to repeal § 105(6) of the Taxation Act, and § 11(1) and (2) of the Minister of Finance regulation no. 51 of 19 December 2008 “Procedure for recording in the accounts, payment and refund of claims and obligations administered by the tax authority for state taxes”. |
Review of constitutionality of § 50(3) and § 461 (in the wording in force from 26 September 2008 until 9 January 2009) of the Minister of Justice regulation no. 72 of 30 November 2000 “Internal Rules of Prison“. |
Review of constitutionality of § 7(2)5), § 8(4) and § 9(2) of the Local Government Council Election Act. |
Review of constitutionality of §§ 126(6), 129(1) and 129(2) of the Public Procurement Act. |
Review of constitutionality of § 1(4), the parts of the first sentence of § 6(1) reading “[…] and to all other owners of the bordering immovables […] and shall set them the term of one month for submission of applications for the privatisation of suitable land for the purpose of joining the lands to their plots”, § 6(2) and the first sentence of § 6(3) of Government of the Republic Regulation no. 50 of 22 February 2007 “Procedure for privatisation of land established in § 22(12) of the Land Reform Act”. |
Review of constitutionality of § 28(1)25) of the Public Information Act |
Action of Ardi Šuvalov for the annulment of the Minister of Justice directive no. 233-k of 26 June 2006. |
Review of constitutionality of § 43(1)2) of the Weapons Act. |
Petition of the Tallinn City Council for the declaration of invalidity of § 7(1)3), § 7(2) and § 7(21) of the National Audit Office Act. |
Petition of the President of the Republic of 11 December 2008 for declaration of unconstitutionality of the Temporary Procedure for Remuneration of Members of the Riigikogu Act. |
Request of Raivo Paala to declare that the Tartu County Court proceeding in criminal case no. 1-07-2186 has been unreasonably long and thus violates his right to a proceeding within a reasonable time; that the failure to issue legislation of general application regulating the hearing of appeals concerning unreasonably long proceedings and awarding of just compensation is in conflict with the Constitution and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; and to award just compensation for the moral damage caused by the violation of fundamental rights. |
Petition of the Tallinn City Council for the declaration of invalidity of § 32(1) of the Accounting Act and § 11(5) of the Minister of Finance Regulation no. 105 of 11 December 2003, and for the declaration of unconstitutionality of the Accounting Standards Board Guideline RTJ 17. |
Review of constitutionality of § 28(2)3) of the State Pension Insurance Act to the extent that it establishes the condition that years of pensionable service shall include time during which a person is in compulsory military service “if the person is referred to service from Estonia”. |
Review of constitutionality of § 2 (8) and (9) of the Minister of Justice Regulation no 71 of 18 December 2003 “Limits of remuneration of trustees and interim trustees in bankruptcy and the procedure for calculating the expenses subject to reimbursement”. |
Request of the Board of the Riigikogu for premature termination of the authority of the members of the Riigikogu Siiri Oviir, Katrin Saks and Andres Tarand. |
Review of constitutionality of the second sentence of § 71(2) of the Aviation Act. |
Review of constitutionality of § 38(1)4) of the Public Procurement Act in the wording in force from 1 May 2007 to 27 March 2008. |
Criminal case of the charges against T. Tiiki under § 424 of the Penal Code. |
Petition of the Tartu County Court of 16 November 2007 to declare unconstitutional the absence of provisions in the Penal Code and in the Code of Criminal Procedure serving as a ground for the release of a person from the service of a sentence when the Act providing for the punishment has been amended. |
Petition of the Chancellor of Justice to declare unconstitutional the provisions of the Political Parties Act which do not provide for efficient supervision of the political party funding and to require that the Riigikogu set up a monitoring body meeting the minimum requirements. |
Misdemeanour matter concerning the punishment of Serhiy Mulyar under § 73(1) of the Customs Act and the confiscation of the assets of OAO AIT under § 94(4) of the Customs Act. |
Misdemeanour matter concerning punishment of Indrek Eiche under § 547(1) of the Public Transport Act. |
Petition of KREENHOLMI VALDUSE AKTSIASELTS for the declaration of unconstitutionality and invalidity of the Narva City Council regulation no 23 of 8 June 2006 “Approval of the price of water supply and waste-water disposal service”; the Narva City Government regulation no 847 of 29 June 2006 “Determination of the price of water supply and waste-water disposal service”; columns 3 and 4 of Table 1 of § 119 of the Narva City Council regulation no 30 of 3 August 2006 “Rules for use of public water supply and sewerage”, and §§ 12 and 13 of the Narva City Government regulation no 31 of 3 August 2006 “Procedure for price regulation of water supply and waste-water disposal service”. |
Petitions of the Harju County Court of 19 and 21 December 2007 to review the constitutionality of § 309(1) of the Code of Civil Procedure (CCP). |
Actions of Ivo Jurno, Meeri Konno, Pavel Žukovets, Vladimir Solovjov, Tõnu Eichler, Hele Mets, Vladimir Uik, Svetlana Gude, Jevgenia Nugis, Kiira Chagall, Asta Kortel, Janika Toompere, Lembit Nokkur, Valve Hääl and Rudolf Polman for declaration of illegality of CRCUEP decision no 4032 of 24 October 1994 and of the Tallinn City Government order no 244 k of 30 January 1995. |
The Tartu Circuit Court judgment of 29 June 2007 declaring § 14(2) of the Act on Amendments to the Republic of Estonia Land Reform Act and Legislation Related to Land Reform unconstitutional. |
Action of Ülo Kalda for the compensation for damage caused by unjust deprivation of liberty. |
Action of Tatjana Gorjatšova for the annulment of the Government of the Republic order no 433 of 11 July 2005. |
Action of Sten Liebert for annulment of the Tallinn City Government order no 1799-k of 15 September 2004. |
Judgment of the Tallinn Circuit Court of 28 June 2007 declaring clause 1 of “Headings of Estonian Nomenclature of Commodities, under which soft drinks belong“, approved by Regulation no 24 of the Minister of Finance of 7 March 1997 unconstitutional. |
Petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court of 1 June 2007 to review the constitutionality of § 9 of the Liquid Fuel Stocks Act in the wording in force until 30 November 2006 (incl.). |
3-4-1-14-07 |
Petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court of 30 May 2007 to review the constitutionality of §§ 120, 130(1), 131(3) and 133(1) and(3) of the Public Service Act. |
3-4-1-12-07 |
Petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court of 9 May 2007 to review the constitutionality of § 15(2)6) of the Value Added Tax Act. |
3-4-1-9-07 | Petition of the Tartu County Court to review the constitutionality of § 2521 of the Bailiffs Act. |
3-4-1-4-07 | Petition of Tallinn City Council to declare § 8(2) and § 9(4) of the Protection of War Graves Act invalid due to their unconstitutionality. |
3-4-1-2-07 | Petition of Tallinn Circuit Court to declare the fourth sentence of clause 3 of “Procedure for determination of land necessary for servicing a structure“, approved by Government of the Republic Regulation No 144 of 30 June 1998, in the wording in force from 13 June 1999 until 17 October 2003, unconstitutional. |
3-4-1-16-06 | Petition of Tallinn Administrative Court to declare section 6 of “Procedure for privatisation of non-residential premises”, approved by the Government of the Republic Regulation No 175 of 18 June 1996, in its entirety and sub-section 9(2) to the extent that it requires that for participation in an auction a copy of a payment document of the auction attendance fee must be submitted to the auction committee, invalid. |
3-4-1-14-06 | Petition of the President of the Republic for the declaration of unconstitutionality of the Act on Repeal of § 7(3) of the Republic of Estonia Principles of the Ownership Reform Act. |
3-4-1-9-06 | Petition of Jõhvi Rural Municipality Council to review the constitutionality of § 13 of the Building Act. |
3-4-1-8-06 |
Petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court for the declaration of unconstitutionality of §§ 71 and 275 of the Internal Rules of the National Defence League. |
3-3-1-63-05 |
Appeal of Beate Bodemann and Thomas Bodemann for the invalidation of decision No 12421 of the Tallinn City Committee for Return of and Compensation for Unlawfully Expropriated Property of 19 August 2002. |
3-4-1-3-06 |
Opinion of the Constitutional review Chamber of the Supreme Court on the interpretation of the Constitution. |
3-4-1-33-05 | Petition of Tallinn Administrative Court to review the constitutionality of the second sentence of § 3(7) and of § 7(1)3) of Parental Benefit Act. |
3-4-1-16-05 | Petition of Tallinn Circuit Court to declare sentences 3 and 5 of § 131(2) of Law of Property Act Implementation Act invalid. |
3-4-1-12-05 | Petitions of Maiko Markus, Enn Oja and Henn Põlluaas to review the constitutionality of the Act on the Ratification of the State Border Treaty between The Republic of Estonia and the Russian Federation and the Treaty on the Delimitation of Maritime Areas of Narva Bay and the Gulf of Finland between the Republic of Estonia and the Russian Federation. |
3-4-1-11-05 | Petition of the President of the Republic to declare the Riigikogu Internal Rules Act Amendment Act unconstitutional. |
3-4-1-13-05 | Petition of the President of the Republic to declare the Local Government Council Election Act Amendment Act, passed by the Riigikogu on 28 June 2005, unconstitutional. |
3-4-1-2-05 | Review of constitutionality of subsections § 413 (1), (4) and (8) of Traffic Act |
3-3-1-1-05 | Review of constitutionality of subsections § 413 (1) and (10) of Traffic Act. |
3-4-1-9-05 | Action of the Republic of Estonia against Rein Uustalu claiming the overpaid early-retirement pension in the amount of 19 024 kroons. |
3-4-1-5-05 |
Petition of the Chancellor of Justice requesting that section 1 of Regulation No 17 of Kuressaare City Council of 27 May 2004 be declared invalid. |
3-4-1-10-05 | Petition of sworn advocate Aadu Luberg to declare the continuing of judicial procedure in the criminal proceeding against Mati Kadak unconstitutional. |
3-4-1-8-05 | Appeals of Rutt Raudkepp against resolution No 101 of the Riigikogu of 21 March 2005, against resolution No 799 of the President of the Republic of 21 March 2005, against resolution No 804 of the President of the Republic of 31 March 2005, against resolution of the Riigikogu of 12 April 2005, against resolution No 811 of the President of the Republic of 12 April 2005, and against resolution No 812 of the President of the Republic of 13 April 2005. |
3-4-1-3-05 | Complaint of members of the Riigikogu P. Kreitzberg, S. Mikser and H. Õunapuu against the resolution of the Board of the Riigikogu of 14 December 2004, refusing the registration of the faction of the Estonian Social Liberals |
3-4-1-4-05 | Petition of the Tartu Administrative Court to review the constitutionality of § 211(11) of the Police Service Act |
3-4-1-1-05 | Petition of the Chancellor of Justice to declare § 701 of the Local Government Council Election Act and § 1(1), the first sentence of § 5(1) and § 6(2) of the Political Parties Act partly unconstitutional |
3-4-1-6-05 | Petition of Mart Susi to declare § 5 of the Code of Criminal Procedure [of 1961; repealed] and § 199 of the valid Code of Criminal Procedure partially unconstitutional. |
3-2-1-59-04 | Action of the AS DESINTEGRAATOR against the Republic of Estonia for 441 000 kroons |
Action of Viiu Nurmela and Maie Kriis against Tambet Kibal for termination of common ownership and division of common ownership into physical shares, and counterclaim of Tambet Kibal against Viiu Nurmela and Maie Kiis for the recognition of partial invalidation of application for the acceptance of succession and succession certificate, for recognition of the right of ownership and deletion of land register entries. | |
3-4-1-24-04 | Review of constitutionality of subsection (2) of § 413 of the Traffic Act. |
3-4-1-20-04 | Review of constitutionality the petition of the President of the Republic to review the constitutionality of the Act to Amend the Dwelling Act and § 121 the Republic of Estonia Principles of Ownership Reform Act. |
3-4-1-14-04 | Petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court to review the constitutionality the second sentence of clause 4.4 of the Appendix of the Tallinn City Council Regulation no. 9 of 30 January 2003. |
3-3-1-29-04 | Appeal of Helmut Pikmets against a procedural act of the Põhja Police Prefecture of 31 December 2003 and ruling of the traffic supervision department of the Põhja Police Prefecture of 15 January 2004. |
3-4-1-10-04 | Review of constitutionality of subsections (1), (4) and (8) of § 413 of the Traffic Act. |
3-3-1-69-03 | Appeal of Ronald Tsoi for the annulment of punishment imposed by the traffic supervision department of the Tallinn Police Prefecture. |
3-3-1-77-03 | Action of Peeter Ludvig for the annulment of the Kuressaare Hospital Foundation expert’s act no. 59 of 2 August 2003 determining the degree of intoxication and decision no. 1-10/449 of the Central Committee of Traffic Medicine of 1 September 2003. |
3-2-1-143-03 | Action of the Estonian Health Insurance Fund against the AS Laverna claiming the payment of 46 051 kroons. |
3-3-1-46-03 | Petition of the Avanduse rural municipality government to declare the Government of the Republic Regulation no. 66 of 5 February 2002 unlawful and § 2 of the “State Budget for 2002” Act unconstitutional. |
3-4-1-9-04 | Petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court to review the constitutionality of § 12(4)1) and § 12(5) of the Aliens Act. |
3-4-1-7-04 | Petition of the Tartu Administrative Court to review the constitutionality of § 89(4) of the Health Insurance Act. |
3-4-1-3-04 | Petition of the Tallinn Circuit Court to review the constitutionality of § 152(1) and § 154(2) of the Law of Property Act Implementation Act. |
3-4-1-2-04 | Petition of the Harju County Court to review the conformity of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage to the Estonian Constitution. |
3-4-1-1-04 | Review of constitutionality of § 191(10) of the Code of Misdemeanour Procedure. |
3-3-1-60-03 | Action of Nikolai Irhin applying for declaration of unlawfulness of the acts of the Tallinn Police Prefecture and for requiring the issue of a weapons permit. |
3-4-1-22-03 | Petitions of the Tallinn City Court of 9 October 2003 and of the Põlva County Court of 24 October 2003 to review the constitutionality of the Bailiffs Act and of the Minister of Justice Regulation no. 16 of 16 February 2001 “Rates of Bailiffs’ Fees” |
3-1-3-13-03 | Criminal case on charges against Tiit Veeber under §§ 1481(7), 166(1) and 143(1) of the Criminal Code |
3-3-2-1-04 | Action of the AS Giga applying for declaration of illegality of a measure of the Tartu City Government and a measure of the Tartu Police Prefecture. |
3-4-1-7-03 | Review of constitutionality of § 221(4) of the Social Welfare Act. |
3-3-1-47-03 | Viktor Fedtšenko's action applying for the annulment of decision no. 382 of the social benefits dispute committee of the Social Insurance Board and for requiring the committee to carry out a medical assessment. |
3-4-1-9-03 | Review of constitutionality of the minimum sanction of § 215(2) of the Penal Code. |
3-4-1-4-03 | Review of constitutionality of § 23 (4) of the Code of Enforcement Procedure |
3-4-1-6-03 | Review of constitutionality of § 9(8) and the second sentence of § 12(1) of the Land Valuation Act and annex I of the Government of the Republic Regulation no. 276 of 22 August 2001. |
3-4-1-1-03 | Review of constitutionality of clause 47 of the "Procedure for privatisation of land by auction", approved by the Government of the Republic Regulation no. 268 of 6 November 1996. |
3-1-3-10-02 | A charge of Sergei Brusilov under § 139(3)1) of the Criminal Code |
3-4-1-10-02 | Petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court to review the constitutionality of the last sentence of § 8(31) of the Wages Act and of the Minister of Finance Regulation no. 24 of 28 January 2002 "The procedure for and conditions of disclosure of information concerning the wages of officials". |
3-4-1-11-02 | Petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court to review the constitutionality of § 168(1)2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure. |
3-4-1-20-02 | Complaint of Olev Tomson requesting that an act of the Tõrva City Electoral Committee be declared unlawful |
3-4-1-17-02 | Complaint of the election coalition "Kodukotus" requesting the annulment of voting results of the Mikitamäe rural municipality council elections |
3-4-1-15-02 | Complaint of the Union For The Republic - Res Publica requesting the annulment of voting results of the Puurmani rural municipality council elections |
3-4-1-14-02 | Complaint of the Union For The Republic - Res Publica against the National Electoral Committee decision no. 35 of 22 October 2002. |
3-4-1-13-02 | Complaint of Sergei Ivanov requesting the partial annulment of the Tallinn Electoral Committee decision no. 16 of 15 September 2002. |
3-4-1-8-02 |
Petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court to review the constitutionality of § 28(4) of the Taxation Act (in the wording in force until 11 May 1996, and from 12 May 1996 until 30 June 2002) and of the Regulations of the Minister of Finance issued on the basis thereof. |
3-4-1-7-02 |
Petition of the Chancellor of Justice to declare §§ 31(1), 32(1) and 33(2)1) of the Local Government Council Election Act partly invalid. |
Petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court to review the constitutionality of the second sentence of § 18(8) of the Value Added Tax Act (in the wording in force from 01.01.2000 to 01.01.2002). |
Petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court to review the constitutionality of § 7(3) of the Principles of Ownership Reform Act. |
Petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court to declare clause 4.6 of "Rules for trading in markets and streets" approved by the Tallinn City Council Regulation no. 43 of 10.12.1998, the Tallinn Centre district Government order no. 386 of 31.03.1995 and the elder of the Tallinn Centre district order no. 123 of 28.03.2000 invalid because of conflict thereof with §§ 3(1), 31, 113 and 154(1) of the Constitution. |
3-4-1-3-02 | Petition of Tallinn Circuit Court to declare § 20(2) of the National Opera Act invalid. |
3-4-1-2-02 | Petition of the Tallinn Circuit Court to declare § 40(3) of Criminal Code partly invalid and § 65(1) of Penal Code unconstitutional. |
3-4-1-1-02 | Petition of the Tallinn Circuit Court to declare the second sentence of § 18(8) of Value Added Tax Act invalid |
3-4-1-7-01 | Review of the petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court to declare § 28(1)6) of the Weapons Act invalid. |
3-4-1-6-01 | Review of the petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court to declare § 140(1) of the Family Law Act invalid. |
3-4-1-5-01 | Review of the petition of the Saare County Court to declare clause 25 (1) of the Procedure for Privatisation of Land by Auction invalid. |
3-4-1-4-01 | Review of the petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court to review the constitutionality of § 231(6) of the Code of Administrative Offences. |
3-4-1-3-01 | Review of the petition of the Järva County Court to declare the Government of the Republic Regulation no. 161 of 27 May 1993 "Reimbursement of expenses for the use of personal automobiles for business travel" unconstitutional. |
3-4-1-2-01 | Review of the petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court for declaration of invalidity of § 12(5) and (6) of the Aliens Act. |
3-4-1-1-01 | Review of the petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court for review of constitutionality of clause 1 of the Government of the Republic Regulation no. 215 of 20 August 1996. |
3-3-1-38-00 | Review of appeals of the AS Brolex Grupp and the OÜ Dreiv Grupp and the Tax Board against a court ruling, relating to the review of legality of investigative activities in criminal proceedings. |
3-4-1-10-00 | Review of the petition of the Administrative Law Chamber of the Supreme Court to declare clause 17 of the Procedure for Privatisation of Land by Auction partly unconstitutional and clause 49 partly invalid. |
3-4-1-9-00 | Review of the petition of the Tartu Administrative Court to declare § 28(1)6) of the Weapons Act party invalid. |
3-4-1-8-00 | Review of the petition of the Tallinn Circuit Court to review the constitutionality of § 18(1)3) of the Competition Act. |
3-4-1-7-00 | Review of the petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court to review the constitutionality of the director general of National Housing Board directive no. 45 of 20 June 1995. |
3-4-1-6-00 | Review of the petition of the Tartu Administrative Court to declare § 19(1)2) of the Alcohol Act invalid. |
3-4-1-5-00 | Review of the petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court to review the constitutionality of the Government of the Republic Regulation no. 161 of 27 May 1993 “Reimbursement of expenses of the use of personal automobiles for business travel”. |
3-4-1-3-00 | Review of the petition of the Chancellor of Justice to declare invalid the Regulations of the Keila rural municipality council regulating the organisation of shooting practice in the Keila rural municipality. |
3-4-1-2-00 | Review of the petition of the Chancellor of Justice to declare invalid the Narva City Government Regulation no. 672 of 16 April 1999 “Approval of Rules for the Use of Transit Vehicles Area” and the Appendix thereto dated 21 April 1999, and Regulation no. 1215 “Amendments to the Rules of the Use of Transit Vehicles Area” and the Appendix thereto dated 2 June 1999. |
3-4-1-1-00 | Review of the petition of the Chancellor of Justice to declare the “Supplementary Budget for 1999” Act partly invalid. |
3-4-1-3-99 | Review of the petition of the Tallinn City Court to declare invalid § 16 of the Notaries Disciplinary Action Act. |
3-4-1-2-99 | Review of the petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court to declare invalid §§ 1(3) and 15(3) of the Legislation Relating to Ownership Reform Act Amendment Act. |
3-4-1-1-99 | Review of the petitions of the Valga County Court and the Tartu Administrative Court to declare clauses 12 and 20(6) of “General rules for trading in markets and streets” invalid. |
3-4-1-11-98 | Review of clauses 2, 6, 7 and 8 of the Rules for Driving into and Parking in Tallinn Old Town. |
3-4-1-9-98 | Review of the petition of the Chancellor of Justice to declare invalid § 15 (2), and subsections (1), (2)2), (3), and (4) of § 17 of the Police Service Act. |
3-4-1-8-98 | Review of the petition of the Järva County Court to declare invalid the instructions for the implementation of the Republic of Estonia Social Tax Act, approved by the Minister of Finance Regulation no. 205 of 30 December 1993. |
3-4-1-7-98 | Review of the petition of the Harju County Court to declare § 3(3) and § 26(7)1) of the Local Government Council Election Act, § 5(1) of the Language Act, and the Government of the Republic Regulation no. 188 entitled “Enactment of the description of the level of proficiency in Estonian necessary to work in the Riigikogu and local government councils” partly invalid. |
3-4-1-6-98 | Review of the petition of the Hiiu County Court to declare § 1(8)3) and § 15(7) of the Legislation Relating to Ownership Reform Amendment Act invalid due to their conflict with § 10 of the Constitution. |
3-4-1-5-98 | Review of the petition of the Tartu Circuit Court to declare clauses 3.5, 3.6 and 7 of the Government of the Republic Regulation no. 95 of 7 March 1995 entitled “Amendments to the Government of the Republic Regulation no.348 of 18 December 1992”, invalid. |
3-4-1-4-98 | Review of the petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court of 26 March 1998 to declare invalid the Government of the Republic Regulation no. 414 of 3 November 1994 on partial amendment of its Regulation no. 268 of 16 September 1992. |
3-4-1-3-98 | Review of the petition of the President of the Republic of 10 March 1998 to declare the Clemency Procedure Act unconstitutional. |
3-4-1-2-98 | Review of the petition of the Chancellor of Justice of 19 January 1998 to declare subsections (3) and (5) of § 15 of the Customs Tariffs Act invalid. |
3-4-1-1-98 | Review of the petition of the President of the Republic of 30 December 1997 to declare the Language Act and the State Fees Act Amendment Act unconstitutional. |
3-4-1-3-97 | Review of the petition of the Valga County Court of 9 June 1997 to declare clause 3.19 of Part I of the Valga City Rules, approved by the Valga City Council Regulation no. 1 of 10 January 1996, partly invalid. |
3-4-1-2-97 | Review of the petition of the Viljandi County Court of 6 June 1997 to declare § 91 of the Custodial Officials Service Regulations invalid due to conflict with §§ 87 and 94 of the Constitution. |
3-4-1-1-97 | Review of the petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court of 12 May 1997 to declare invalid § 41 of the Police Service Regulations, approved by the Government of the Republic Regulation no. 32 of 12 February 1991, because of conflict with § 29 of the Constitution. |
3-4-1-4-96 | Review of the petition of the Administrative Law Chamber of the Supreme Court of 11 November 1996, to declare invalid clause 2 and appendix to the Government of the Republic Regulation no. 486 of 28 December 1994, entitled “Amendments to the Government of the Republic Regulation no. 408 of 21 December 1993 and to the organisation of import, wholesale and retail of vodka", because of the conflict thereof with § 87 (6) of the Constitution. |
3-4-1-3-96 | Review of the petition of the Administrative Law Chamber of the Supreme Court of 11 November 1996 to declare invalid clauses 2 and 3 and the appendix to the Government of the Republic Regulation no. 486 of December 1994 entitled “Amendments to the Government of the Republic Regulation no. 408 of 21 December 1993 and to the organisation of import, wholesale and retail of vodka”, as well as clause 5 of the “Instructions for the organisation of import and export, production and sale of alcohol, tobacco and tobacco products”, approved by the Government of the Republic Regulation no. 4 of 7 January 1994, because of the conflict thereof with § 87 (6) of the Constitution. |
3-4-1-2-96 | Review of the petition of the Chancellor of Justice of 21 June 1996 for the declaration of invalidity of §§ 1(2) and 6(1) of the Privatisation of Dwellings Act and “Re-nationalisation and Privatisation of Property of Co-operative, State Co-operative and Non-profit Organisations Act” Amendment Act. |
3-4-1-1-96 | Review of the petition of the President of the Republic of 9 April 1996 for the declaration of unconstitutionality of the Non-profit Associations Act, passed on 1 April 1996. |
III-4/A-3/95 | Review of the petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court for the declaration of invalidity of the requirement established in § 21(1) of the Aliens Act. |
III-4/A-2/95 | Review of the petition of the Tartu Administrative Court for the declaration of invalidity of § 7(2) of the Republic of Estonia Principles of Ownership Reform Act. |
III-4/A-1/95 | Review of the petition of the Tallinn City Court for the declaration of invalidity of §§ 3(1), 6(5) and 6(6) of the Privatisation of Dwellings Act. |
III-4/A-12/94 | Review of the petition of the Tallinn Administrative Court for the declaration of invalidity of clause 40 of the “Rules of Issue and Extension of Residence and Work Permits to Aliens”. |
III-4/A-11/94 | Review of the petition of the President of the Republic for the declaration of unconstitutionality of the Peacetime National Defence Act, passed on 8 November 1994. |
III-4/A-10/94 | Review of the constitutionality of clause 2 of the Government of the Republic Regulation no. 215 of 24 July 1992, and of the Act Invalidating Transactions Involving Land, Buildings and Structures on the Territory of the Republic of Estonia, Which Had Been and Are in the Possession or Use of the Former Soviet Union Armed Forces. |
III-4/A-9/94 | Review of the petition of the Chancellor of Justice for the declaration of invalidity of the third indent of clause 1.5 of the Income Tax Act Implementation Instructions. |
III-4/A-8/94 | Review of the petition of the Chancellor of Justice for the declaration of invalidity, under § § 152(2) of the Constitution, of the Tallinn City Government Regulation no. 31 of 31 March 1994 approving the "Rules of Paid and Unguarded Parking of Motor Vehicles" and Regulation no. 70 of 16 April 1993 approving the "Instructions for Removing Motor Vehicles by Force and for the Use of Devices Preventing Motion". |
III-4/A-7/94 | Review of the petition of the Chancellor of Justice for the declaration of invalidity, under of § 152(2) of the Constitution, of the Tallinn City Council Resolution no. 52 of 31 March 1994, entitled "Paid and Unguarded Parking of Motor Vehicles". |
III-4/A-6/94 | Review of the petition of the Chancellor of Justice for the declaration of invalidity of § 7(1) of the Riigikogu Internal Rules Act. |
III-4/A-5/94 | Review of the constitutionality of § 25(3) of the Law of Property Act Implementation Act to the extent that it repeals of § 30(2) of the Farm Act of the Estonian SSR. |
III-4/A-4/94 | Review of the petition of the President of the Republic to declare § 2(2) of the President of the Republic Rules of Procedure Act, passed on 3 May 1994, to be in conflict with § 109 of the Constitution. |
III-4/A-3/94 | Review of the petition of the President of the Republic, submitted under § 107 of the Constitution, for the declaration of unconstitutionality of the Decorations Act. |
III-4/A-2/94 | Review of the petition of the Chancellor of Justice, submitted under§ 142(2) of the Constitution, for the declaration of invalidity of clause 2 of the Government of the Republic Regulation no. 223 of 23 July 1993, entitled "Approval of "Statutes of the Security Police Board" and "Temporary procedure for the application of special operative surveillance measures"" on the babsis of § 152(2) of the Constitution. |
III-4/A-1/94 | Review of the petition of the Chancellor of Justice, submitted under § 142(2) of the Constitution, for the declaration of invalidity of subindent 4 of Part II of the Republic of Estonia Police Act Amendment Act under § Article 152(2) of the Constitution. |
III-4/A-4 | Review of the petition of the President of the Republic, submitted under § 107 of the Constitution, for the declaration of unconstitutionality of the Taxation Act, passed by the Riigikogu on 28 September 1993. |
III-4/A-3 | Review of the petition of the Chancellor of Justice, submitted pursuant to § 142(2) of the Constitution, for the declaration of invalidity of the Sillamäe City Council resolution of 6 July 1993, entitled "On the implementation of the instructions of the participants of the meeting of 30 June 1993". |
III-4/A-2 | Review of the petition of the Chancellor of Justice under § 142(2) of the Constitution for the declaration of invalidity of the Narva City Council resolution no. 15/163 of 28 June 1993, entitled "The opinion on the Foreigners Act". |
III-4/A-1 | Review of the petition of the President of the Republic, submitted pursuant to § 107 of the Constitution, for the declaration of unconstitutionality of the National Coat of Arms Act. |