Riigikohus on Eesti Vabariigi kõrgeim kohus.
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Special Panel
Disputes of principle between Chambers concerning the application and interpretation of laws are resolved by Special (ad hoc) Panels. If the full composition of Civil, Criminal or Administrative Law Chamber, upon examining a case and with regard to application of law, wants to assume a position different from that of any other Chamber or Special panel of the Supreme Court in its last decision, the matter shall be transferred to a Special Panel. Two justices from each Chamber are elected to a Special Panel between two or three Chambers.
A session of the Special Panel is convened and chaired by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. At the session of the Special Panel, the reporting judge is the chairman of the Chamber that petitioned for the convocation of Special Panel, or the reporting judge. The Special Panel decides cases pursuant to procedure prescribed by procedural laws. The decision is binding on all Chambers until the Special Panel itself or the Supreme Court en banc takes a different position concerning the issue.