Riigikohus on Eesti Vabariigi kõrgeim kohus.
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on sätestatud kohtute seaduses. 

- Eesti vabariigi põhiseadus -

News archive

E.g., 04.06.2024
E.g., 04.06.2024

The newly published Justice Scoreboard 2019 once again ranks Estonia second in the European Union in terms of the efficiency of the justice system and the speed of proceedings.


On the morning of 5 February, the Supreme Court en banc appointed the new Chairman of the Civil Chamber. This occurred due to the former Chairman of the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court, Villu Kõve, being appointed as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.


On 31 January, the Riigikogu released the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Priit Pikamäe from office and appointed Villu Kõve to this position. Kõve assumed the office of Chief Justice on 4 February.


18-19 October, Tallinn will host a round table of the Supreme Administrative Courts of Europe, focusing on fair judicial proceedings. The meeting will be attended by judges from 25 European countries.


During the week of 1 to 7 October, the courts will give advice and useful recommendations for everyday life situations that have become overly complicated.


The next Yearbook of the Courts concentrates on the relationship between Estonian and European law. In addition, an overview of the proceedings statistics for 2017 is given.


​Heiki Loot, who has held the post of State Secretary until now, will start his new position at the Administrative Law Chamber of the Supreme Court on 3 December.


The most recent Justice Scoreboard 2018 of European justice systems confirms that the Estonian justice system continues to be among the most efficient in Europe. In terms of the speed of adjudicating court cases, we ranked second among 28 states and placed first in terms of communication through digital and social media.


In a court order dated 10.04.2018, the Supreme Court has explained that regardless of the lack of implementing acts, the Registered Partnership Act entered into force on 1 January 2016 and is now a part of the Estonian legal order. According to the Supreme Court, the failure to issue the implementing acts for the Registered Partnership Act does not per se give grounds for declaring the situation unconstitutional.


The compilation titled “Kohtunikud, kohtu-uurijad ja prokurörid 1918–1940” (Judges, Court Investigators and Prosecutors 1918–1940) will be given as a present by the Supreme Court and the Office of the Prosecutor General to a hundred libraries and information centres, in order to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Estonia.
